PERAN KEPALA SEKOLAH (Penelitian SD Negeri 1 Tapaktuan Aceh Selatan)

Ilham Mirsal


This research is motivated by the important role of school principals in improving the quality of education. The principal is one of the education components that has the most role in determining the success of an educational institution, because the principal must be able to bring his institution towards the goals set, and the principal must be able to see changes and be able to see the future in a better global life . The role of the principal is as an educator, manager, administrator, supervisor, leader, innovator, and motivator or abbreviated as (EMASLIM). However, the reality in the MIN 1 Tapaktuan South Aceh field shows that the role of the school principal has not been entirely optimal. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of the principal as EMASLIM. The method used in this research is qualitative research. Data collection techniques such as interviews, observation, and documents. Data analysis techniques in the form of interactive analysis techniques, namely data editor, data presentation, data verification that interact with each other. The results of the research on the role of the principal as an educator, manager, motivator, have been carried out well in accordance with the theory described. And the role of the principal as an administrator, supervisor, leader, and innovator has also been carried out, but it has not been carried out properly and optimally. Principals have done their respective roles as, but there is also a role that has not been done by some school principals. This research is suggested to MIN 1 Tapaktuan Aceh Selatan to be able to carry out its role in accordance with the main tasks and functions outlined, so as to create a friendly relationship and a sense of grouping among teacher personnel, so that the principal can manage it properly.


Keywords: Role & Principal

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Hasil Wawancara:

Hasil Wawancara dengan Kepala Sekolah MIN 1 Tapaktuan Aceh Selatan.

Hasil Wawancara dengan Salah Seorang Guru MIN 1 Tapaktuan Aceh Selatan.

Hasil Wawancara dengan Salah Seorang Staf Administrasi MIN 1 Tapaktuan Aceh Selatan.


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