Miftahul Khairi


This research is motivated by a problem regarding the low motivation of students learning in class IV / 2 in science lessons causing many students do not master the material that the teacher has conveyed, seeing these conditions researchers are very concerned and trying to find solutions by implementing Jigsaw cooperative learning. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the application of Jigsaw cooperative learning can increase student motivation in the material of the coordination system and sensory devices in humans. The purpose of the PTK implementation is to find out the application of jigsaw cooperative lea rning can increase students' motivation to learn the material of the coordination system and sensory devices in humans. The implementation of CAR is carried out through two cycles, where each cycle consists of four stages: (1) planning, (2) implementing actions, (3) observation, (4) reflection. Data collection techniques carried out at the end of the cycle using tests, observations, and documentation. The results obtained at the end of the first cycle of students who are interested in learning science has reached 17 students or 56.7% and at the end of the second cycle students who are interested in both the learning process increased to 27 students or 90%, student attention also increased from 17 students ( 56.7%) who had good attention in the first cycle increased to 28 students (93.33%) in the second cycle, so did the participation of students also increased from 19 students (63.33%) at the end of the first cycle increased to 28 students (93.33%) in the second cycle. Based on the results of the study concluded that with the type of jigsaw cooperative learning, an increase in interest, attention and participation of students in the learning process so that it causes a more passionate and fun learning atmosphere and students are more motivated in the learning process of Natural Sciences in SD Negeri 9 Tapaktuan, South Aceh 2018/2019 .


Keywords: Motivation and Cooperative Type Jigsaw


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