PENINGKATAN AKTIVITAS DAN HASIL BELAJAR SISWA MELALUI STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN PQ4R (Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite dan Review) (Penelitian MIN 1 Tapaktuan Aceh Selatan)

Diyah Mayarisa, Azimah Azimah


This research is motivated by a problem regarding the low learning outcomes and learning activities of the students of zakat material in class V / 1 MIN 1 Tapaktuan, South Aceh. This can be seen from the behavior of students who tend to only hear and record the lessons given by the teacher, students asking questions and expressing opinions when learning takes place, resulting in decreased learning achievement. The implementation of CAR is carried out through two cycles, where each cycle consists of four stages: (1) planning, (2) implementing actions, (3) observation, (4) reflection. Data collection techniques carried out at the end of the cycle using tests, observations, and documentation. Indicators of success of this CAR, namely, student activity in learning activities of at least 75%, learning outcomes or the number of students who score according to KKM (> 55) of at least 75%, and teacher performance in learning of at least B (> 70). The research results obtained from the assessment of student learning outcomes in class V / 2 on the zakat material in the first cycle, namely: (1) teacher performance 59.67% with less active category; (2) 63.04% student activities were categorized as less active; (3) average learning outcomes of 62.90% have not yet reached the KKM value. Learning outcomes in the second cycle, namely: (1) 85.83% teacher performance is in the active category; (2) 90.22% student activities were categorized as very active; (3) average learning outcomes, 71.84% have reached the KKM value. Based on the results of the study concluded that with the discovery learning model can increase the activities and student learning outcomes on zakat fitrah material in addition to increasing the activity of jurisprudence teachers when teaching at MIN 1 Tapaktuan South Aceh in the 2018/2019 school year.


Keywords: Activities, Learning Outcomes and PQ4R

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