Muhammad Ali Akbar


This research was conducted because of the finding that the school-based management program (SBM) was not effective in schools, so that it had an effect on improving quality. Supposedly, the existence of the SBM program can facilitate the improvement of the quality of education, so that it can make a good contribution for the school. For this reason, a study is needed to see the implementation of SBM in schools. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of school-based management programs in general is already running, even though the implementation of SBM requires funding and infrastructure as an absolute requirement among other requirements. Therefore, it is necessary to have a good socialization given by the school to the community and stakeholders in the implementation of SBM in schools. The results of this study can be used as a policy in making the right decision about the important role of SBM in improving the quality of education in schools.


Keywords: Concept, SBM and its Implementation

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