Syarifah Siregar


This research investigates mixed language codes in intercultural communication among MTs students in the Pesantren al-Kautsar. The objectives of this study are: 1) to identify the types of mixed language codes used in intercultural communication. 2) to find the code mix function used in intercultural communication. 3)) to identify the types of social cultural meanings used in intercultural communication to describe the reasons for the code mix used in intercultural communication. This study used descriptive qualitative method. So, the transcript is analyzed based on the contents of the data (recorded documentation). The participants of this study consisted of 10 students from different ethnic groups. Data are utterances of students with different tribes taken from the school environment. The results of this study indicate that there are several types of mixed codes such as; word insertion, phrase insertion, clause insertion, and tag mixing are used by students in intercultural communication with different tribes. Word insertion is a type of code mix that is dominantly used by students in daily conversation. And after that are the mixing tags, phrase insertion and clause insertion. The function of code mixing in intercultural communication is: 1) communication strategy, 2) individual or community expression, 3) style. And there are also several types of social cultural meanings, namely: 1) a special group cohesiveness, 2) special diversity, and a sense of price self. And the main reason they mix the codices of their local language is 1) to express solidarity, 2) interjection 3) show the identity of the group, and 4) to soften or confirm a request or order.


Keywords: Mix Code and Intercultural Communication

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